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Admin Overview

Here we will dive into the Admin page of your SmartPass account. You will find links to explore some components in more detail.

Updated over 2 months ago

When you log in as an admin you will first see the Admin Dashboard. On this page you will find a variety of valuable information.

SmartPass Academy Video Walkthrough

Admin Dashboard

Across the top of your Admin Dashboard you may see announcements, these may change through the year to include things such as new/upcoming features, welcome messages, etc. On the right you will find your Dedicated Customer Success Manager, along with their contact information and a link to their office hours.

Below the announcements you will find an overview of your School Metrics.

Number of Active Hall Passes

The first metric is a count of the Number of Active Hall Passes in your building. By clicking the icon in the top right you can open your Hall Monitor View. You can also export this to print a report showing the students currently on passes. To learn more head over to the article for Hall Monitor.

Reported Students

Below the Number of Active Hall Passes is Reported Students. This will show you a count of students who were reported today. By clicking the icon in the top right you will open the Report Submissions page. To learn more, click here.

Average Pass Time

The last metric on the left is Average Pass Time. This will give you insight into the average pass length in your building. If the time is longer than you wish, you might decide adjusting pass time limits to be the solution.

Pass Usage

On the right side of your School Metrics is Pass Usage. You can adjust this to reflect different days of the week or month by clicking the icon in the top right. This data is great to determine if you need to adjust hall monitoring or security during the busy times of day.

Most Frequent Room Destinations

The last School metric is Most Frequent Room Destinations. With this data you might decide to play around with max capacities in these locations, or adjust hall monitoring to keep an extra eye on these locations.

Hall Monitor

Clicking on Hall Monitor on the left will load the Hall Monitor view. Here you will find an active report of all passes currently running in the building. To learn more head to the Hall Monitor Overview page.


The Explore tab is where you will several features and data reports.


By clicking Explore and clicking Passes you find your master list of pass data. This data can be sorted and filtered by the parameters across the top.

By clicking the icon in the top right you can also export the report as a CSV file if you wish to run additional data reports in Excel, Numbers or Sheets.

You can also delete some or all of pass data to remove incorrect passes, or start fresh at a new quarter, semester or year. To learn about deleting passes, check out the Delete Passes article

Please note: Your exported file will be sent to the email address linked to your account. Ensure you are logged in on your correct admin account before doing so.

Report Submissions

Staying under the Explore tab, you will also see Report Submissions. Here you can find a list of students who have been reported by a teacher.

This actionable data allows you to find trends and patterns in student behavior, likely before you would have organically. To learn more about Report Submissions, click here.

Contact Trace

Also found under the Explore tab is Contact Trace. This is a tool used to run reports of students who may have had extended contact based on their pass data. You simply need to enter the students name and run the report. To learn more, head to the article for Contact Tracing.

Detected Encounters

The last option under Explore is Detected Encounters. Detected Encounters will allow you to be proactive and discover student meet ups before they become a problem by then enacting an Encounter Prevention. Detected Encounters is a feature found on Pro/One subscription plans.

To add this feature reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


By clicking on the Rooms tab on the left-hand side of your Admin page you will be brought to the page where you have built, or will soon build your rooms and passes. For help on building out your rooms head over to the Rooms articles.


Within the Rooms tab you will also find an Options button in the top right. By clicking this button you will find a variety of options with brief descriptions of their control parameters. If you need more help with these options use our support page to search for the appropriate article.


Below Rooms you will find Accounts. On this tab you will be able to manage your accounts.

Accounts are sorted by their role, Student, Teacher, Admin, Assistant and Parents. Some of the things you can do here are add new accounts, delete accounts, or change roles for your accounts by clicking on the account in question.

You will also find the options to set up your Pass Limits, and set up Encounter Preventions. If you have a Pro or One subscription you can also find the information to Invite Families to SmartPass.

To learn more about accounts check out Accounts Overview.

ID Cards

On the left, below Accounts, you will find ID Cards. To setup ID Cards start here. ID cards are included with all levels of SmartPass, however some features on the ID Cards require an upgrade to Pro ID Cards. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.

Emergency Mode

Emergency Mode is found right below ID Cards on the left side of your Admin page.

Emergency Mode is a tool used during lockdowns to shut down passes in your building and allow teachers to check them into their rooms, giving you valuable information to know your students are safe.

This is a feature available on Pro and One plans. To learn more about Emergency Mode check out the support documentation for how to use this feature, here. If you would like to add this feature reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Attendance is part of One subscriptions, as well as an add on feature for Standard and Pro plans. Attendance allows staff to mark students present, absent or late to a period. Students can also check in via a kiosk. Attendance is exportable by CSV file, which, depending on your SIS, could allow for the ability to upload it.

Please Note: Right now Attendance is only active for Flex periods, but coming soon, you will have access to student schedules which will allow per class attendance.

Learn more by heading to the Attendance article, or by contacting your Customer Success Manager.


The last feature on the left is Flex, an add on feature, and part of the One subscription.

Flex allows schools to build out periods to be used in a variety of ways. These flex periods allow for students to sign up, or be assigned to a set period. Flex can be used to organize your club and advisory periods, it can be used for homeroom periods where some or all students move rooms to receive academic support, or even used for events such as detention, or after school activities.

Flex allows admin and teachers to have real time data about who to expect in their flex periods, and if paired with attendance, receive historical data of who has attended these sessions. Check out the Flex article to dive into this in more detail.


Top right corner is where you will find your settings options.


In the bottom right corner you will see a question mark symbol. Here you find access to our world class support page, with links to support documentation as well as access to our Live Chat.


If you are looking for a more detailed FAQ sheet click here:

I just got SmartPass, but I don't have credentials or can't log in. What should I do?

Please check for credentials inside your SmartPass Onboarding Plan, or reach out to your Customer Success Manager for assistance.

You can also reach out to our support team via email at [email protected].

There is a lot of information here, how do I learn more?

Check out SmartPass Academy for live and pre-recorded training sessions. You can also click through the links to find more information about each feature.

I am an Admin at two different buildings. How do I switch between each SmartPass school?

You can easily switch back between schools by clicking on the drop-down at the top of your admin view and selecting the school you wish to switch to.

Please click the following link for detailed instructions on switching back and forth between schools: Switch Between Schools

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