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Accounts Overview

A quick look at how to manage accounts in SmartPass

Updated over 11 months ago

From the admin page, click “Accounts” on the left-side panel on your screen. This page will allow you to add/delete accounts, update account statuses, and permissions, assign pass limits, encounter preventions, and more.

Video Overview

Create an account

  1. Click “Accounts”.

  2. Click the user role tab for the account type you wish to add.

  3. Click “+Add” to add a standard account

  4. Enter the user’s name, email, and a temporary password

  5. Congrats! The user can now sign in to their SmartPass account

Account Statuses

In the “Accounts'' section, schools can update the status of an account by clicking on the selected account and then clicking on the drop-down below the student profile picture field.

You can also bulk update multiple accounts at once by checking the checkbox next to the users you wish to edit and following the same previous steps.

There are four status options for an account in SmartPass:

  1. Active

    1. These accounts have access to their view in SmartPass. These accounts are visible to all Administrators.

  2. Disabled

    1. Disabled users are not able to log into SmartPass. They’ll still show up in the system, and teachers can send passes to them, etc.

  3. Suspended

    1. Suspended accounts, or any data associated with them, are not deleted from SmartPass. However, no one will be able to see them or interact with these accounts.

  4. Deleted

    1. Deleting an account will permanently delete that user and any data associated with them. This action cannot be undone, so be careful when using this feature.

On the accounts page, you will also notice other features and settings across the top such as Pass Limits, Encounter Preventions, and Invite Families.

For more information on Pass Limits, click here.

For more information on Encounter Preventions, click here.

To learn more about Parent Accounts (Invite Families), click here.

To learn more about Integrations, click here.


I am trying to add an account but I am getting an error message stating the account already exists. What should I do?

Please contact our support team through chat or email so they can take a closer look at this issue and assist you in adding the user.

Can I change the permissions of certain users?

Yes, just navigate to Accounts, select the user’s role (Teacher or Admin), search and click on the user’s account, scroll down until you find permissions, toggle on/off the permissions you wish to change, and click Save.

You can also do this in bulk, by checking the checkbox at the top-left corner, next to the “Name” header, or the checkbox next to the user’s name.

Can I delete an account synced to my integration?

You can delete the account, but if the account is not deleted on the integration side, the account will sync back to SmartPass on the next sync.

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