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Hallway Sweep Pass

Learn how to do a hallway sweep using SmartPass.

Updated over a week ago

If you're looking for a way to make hallway sweeps more efficient on your campus, consider making a room titled "Hall Sweep" to allow hall monitor staff to quick generate a pass that provides both clarity and data on your students' movement.
In case you use a different terminology, what we are referring to when we say "hall sweep" is the act of clearing the hallway after a late bell, and making passes for those late students. Most schools who do this tend to have teachers close their doors at the late bell and then require students to have a pass before admitting them into the room.


  • Doing a hallway sweep is a great way to ensure students are arriving to class on time, and documenting those who do not.

  • Using SmartPass for hall sweeps allows your staff to generate passes faster, getting student back to the classroom in less time.

  • The hall sweep pass data is recorded so teachers and admin can view how after a student was late to class, and also, how long it took them to get back to class after being written the pass. This can help drive conversation and intervention decisions.


How to set up and use

  1. Create a room and title it Hall Sweep, or whatever terminology you wish to use here.

  2. Set the room as restricted for both Now and Future so students cannot generate their own sweep pass.

  3. Teach students to show the teacher their pass before ending it. Staff should check that they did not go overtime.

  4. Teach admin staff how to pull reports on this data. Reports can be used to drive intervention, or help with recording attendance.

  5. Decide on how you plan to generate the passes. This may vary depending on how many students you typically need to make a pass for

    1. For a small number of students, your staff can generate passes from "Hall Sweep" to the specific classroom.

    2. For a large number of students you may decide to use the "Hall Sweep" as the destination that way you can put several students on the pass at a time to keep the process moving. Teachers would need to view their hall monitor page to see these passes instead of their home page.

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