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Teacher Overview

A brief overview on how teachers use SmartPass

Updated over a month ago

In this article we will review the teacher home page, as viewed from a web browser.

Teacher Training Video

Your admin team likely has training in store for you, but a great way to get started with SmartPass is to watch this pre-recorded training showing how both students and teachers make passes and manage SmartPass!

If your school is not using any 1 to 1 devices for students, and focusing pass creation on kiosk mode, check out this teacher video instead.

Navigating the Teacher Homepage

When you log into your Teacher account you will be brought to the Teacher Home screen as seen here. On your Homepage you will find your class roster, pass information and pass requests.

Switching Rooms and Launching a Kiosk

Below the greeting you will see the room you are currently viewing. If you are tagged to more than one room in SmartPass, by clicking the drop down arrow you can switch rooms.

The 3 dots to the right of the room name allow you to launch Kiosk Mode, display your room code, and toggle the display of ended passes on or off.

Coming this Period

If you have passes schedule for students coming to see you this period, they would be reflected here. If no passes are scheduled, this section is hidden.

Class Roster

If you have your classes accepted (pending your school setting up schedules and syncing this data) you will be able to see your active class roster for the period. Here we can see Ms. Roberts has her Calculus class this period.

If someone on your roster has a scheduled pass to leave it will be displayed here as well.

Tip: By hovering over a student you can expose a "create pass" button for even faster pass creation.

Ended Passes

Below Today's Schedule is your Ended Passes. Here you will find the prior passes that have ended that are tied to your room. The settings icon allows you to adjust how many days of ended passes to display.

Pass Requests

On the right you will see any Pass Requests you have. These are divided by Now and Scheduled. You can click to toggle between the two.

Hovering over the message symbol you can view any message attached and then quick approve or deny the pass. To learn more check out our guide on Pass Requests

Hall Monitor

Across the top, next to Home you will find Hall Monitor. Here you can get a snapshot of everything happening in your building by viewing all active passes on campus. Click here to learn more about Hall Monitor view.


On the Calendar you can view all of your upcoming scheduled passes, as well as click on them to see more information and even delete the pass.

The left hand side shows you a more detailed view of the day.

If using Flex, you would click into the Flex period to manage your activity.

Creating and Scheduling Passes

In the top right you will see Schedule and Create. This is how you create passes.

"Create" is used to write a student a pass for right now, while "schedule" is used to write a pass for a future time.

Head over to our guides for Creating Passes and Scheduling Passes to learn more.


By clicking the settings/profile picture icon you will open your Settings. Here you will find a variety of tools to help manage your SmartPass, including your Approval PIN and Notification settings (including Sound and Email) and Student Groups, among others.

This settings icon is also where you to go manage and setup your classes.

Help Center

The question mark in the bottom corner launches our Help Center, where you can find support articles, and use the Live Chat!

Looking a Student Up

Using the search bar you can look up a student's snapshot page. Here you will be able to view all of the important information about a student. Learn more here.


If you are looking for a more comprehensive FAQ list, click the button:

What does the search bar in the top-left corner do?

With this search bar, you can search for any student in your school and view their Snapshot Page, which contains all the information of a student in SmartPass. Please click the link below to learn more about the Student Snapshot Page: Student Search & Stats

I am also an admin in my school. How do I switch to the admin view?

You can easily switch back to your admin view by going to your settings and selecting “Admin View”. Please click the link below for detailed instructions on switching back and forth between these roles: Switching Between Teacher and Admin

I teach at two different buildings. How do I switch between each SmartPass school?

You can easily switch back between schools by on the drop-down at the top of your teacher view and selecting the school you wish to switch to. Please click the link below for detailed instructions on switching back and forth between schools: Switch Between Schools

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