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Emergency Mode

With Emergency Mode, Admins can stop all student movements and alert teachers of any potential emergencies at the school.

Updated over 6 months ago

Halt all student movements and alert all staff of any emergency in your school with Emergency Mode. With Emergency Mode, teachers will have the ability to check in students to ensure everyone is safe and accounted for.

Available only on Hall Pass Pro and SmartPass One.
Want to unlock this feature? Click the button to get pricing details for your school.

Video Walkthrough

1) Starting an Emergency

In one click, admins can send an instant alert to all staff for any kind of building emergency and halt all student movement.

2) Managing Your Emergency

Teachers will have access to a few panels where they will be able to view any messages from admins and also check in students as safe.

Admins & Emergency Personnel will see a list of students as they get checked in and can send silent follow-up messages to staff.

Students will be prevented from making passes while an emergency is active.

3) How To Use Emergency Mode as an Admin

💡 Note: Once you activate Emergency mode, all active passes will come to an end and you will be presented with a list of all students that were out on a pass when the emergency started.

Enabling Emergency Mode:

1. Click on the Emergency Mode tab

2. (Optional) Enter a message to send to all your staff

3. Click “Send Alert Now” to activate Emergency Mode

Once Emergency Mode is active, you can search for a specific student by entering the student’s name in the search bar:

You will also have access to the Broadcast Messages window, to further relay any communications to your teachers:

As students are checked in, you will see each of the following fields updated until completion:

  • Student Table: This status will update from “Not Checked In” to “Checked In” once that student is checked in by a teacher.

  • Students Accounted: This count type will show the number of checked-in students vs the total number of students that need to be checked in. Each side of the forward slash ( / ) will be equal once all students are checked in by teachers.

  • Active Emergency Percentage: This is the percentage of students currently checked in. It will reach 100% once all students are checked in by teachers.

4. To end the emergency, press the red “End Emergency” button at the top-right:

4) How to Use Emergency Mode as a Teacher

Once Emergency Mode is activated, the teacher’s view will enter Emergency Mode and all student movement will be halted.

💡 Note: Teachers will be instructed to confirm if any students have entered their classroom from the hallway, and to confirm which students they have in their classroom based on a list of students that need to be checked in.

During Emergency Mode, teachers will see the following:

  • To the left, the will see the “Check Students In” panel. This is where the list of students that need to be checked in can be found.

  • To the right, they will see the “Latest Messages” panel. Here, teachers can view messages submitted by the administration.

Steps to Follow When Emergency Mode is Active

1. (Optional) Review all messages submitted by your administrators under the “Latest Messages” panel:

2. (Optional) From the list of students, view the destination of the pass that students had when the emergency started. This information can be found next to their name:

If looking for a particular student, teachers can quickly search by typing the student’s name in the search field next to the magnifying glass icon:

3. Based on the list of students and pass information, grab any students in the hallway that is close to your location, take them into your classroom, and check them all as safe.

Once all students close to you have been checked, press the “Check-In” button to confirm your selection. Teachers can always check in more students by pressing the “Check In More Students” button.

Here's what this process may look like for a teacher:

4. Teachers should remain watchful for any further communications from school administrators. Once the emergency is over, access to the regular teacher view will be restored:


Teachers can view who started the emergency, and when it was started by viewing in-between the emergency title and panels:

5) Kiosk Mode and Student Perspective

Students will not be able to create passes from a kiosk or their own device duringg Emergency Mode.

💡 If they hover over any of the “Create Pass” buttons, they will see a message stating “An Emergency is Active”


Are there any sound notifications when an emergency is started?

Yes. There is a bell sound notification that will go off as soon as the school enters emergency mode.

Can teachers message back during an emergency?

No. Only admins can send out messages to staff during Emergency Mode.

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