Whether you need to understand which students may have gotten others sick, or simply understand who was in the hallways at the same time then around someone else right after, SmartPass Contact Trace can help you determine this using your campus’ pass data.
Video Walkthrough
Using Contact Trace
To use Contact Trace, you’ll want to start on your Admin Dashboard, then navigate to Explore – Contact Trace.
Once you’re in the Contact Trace screen, follow these steps to do contact tracing:
Use the student search drop-down in the top menu to select the student you want to focus on
Select the date range you want to focus on
Click on Contact Trace
In the display screen, you’ll now see a list of students who have has first (1) and second (2) degree contact with the student you selected along with the details relating to timing and location of their contact.
You can download this data to spreadsheet or clear the information and search for another student.
First (1) degree contact is when the student listed had a pass to the same location as the student you are focusing on.
Second (2) degree contact is when the student listed later had a pass to the same location as another student who had contact with the student you are focusing on.
In the video below you can see that the admin is focusing on Jacob for the past seven days. In this timeframe, Nick and Kelly had first degree contact meaning that they had passes to the same location as Jacob. Drew has second degree contact with Kelly though, meaning that he had passes to the same location as Kelly after she had a pass to the same location as Jacob.
As you want to look at information for a different student, you'll want to clear the current tracing and select a new student and date range.
How do you track students for the contact trace report?
Contact tracing uses hall passes to determine who might be a contact with another student. For example, I can enter a student’s name into contact tracing and it will give me a list of students who have had “contacts” with that student.
We determined a contact to be any student who had a hall pass with the original student at the same time and to the same location.