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Scheduling Detentions

Learn how to streamline detention passes with SmartPass.

Updated over a week ago

SmartPass can help make issuing lunch and afterschool detentions more efficient and effective. By using scheduled passes, you can issue passes for detentions in advance and ensure that students show up at the right time.


  • Streamlines the process of issuing detentions for students who are frequently tardy to class.

  • Allows detention staff to easily see which students should be attending detention.

  • Notifies students of their upcoming detention time, reducing the likelihood of them forgetting or missing their detention.

  • Allows for easy tracking and monitoring of students serving detentions

  • Provides a comprehensive system for tracking tardiness and detention history, which can be helpful for administration and parents.

  • Increases accountability and encourages punctuality among students


How to set up and use

  1. Create a new room for the lunch detention or afterschool detention (or both) and give it a name that works for your school.

  2. Customize the room settings based on the staff that needs to be in the room.

  3. As needed, create a non-declinable future pass to this room for each student who needs to serve lunch detention, specifying the date and time.

    1. Students will receive a notification on their device indicating the date and time of their detention. They will also get a reminder of this pass to ensure they don't miss their detention.

  4. If applicable, students should check in with their teacher or admin prior to going to detention.

  5. Ensure your admin staff know how to search this data and pull reports of these detention passes to track patterns. This data is great to drive conversations and interventions.

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