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Viewing Reported Students

How to view information on Reported Students

Updated over a year ago

Administrators can view the information that is submitted to them when a student has been reported by staff members. Campus staff can use the reporting feature to report a student for any reason related to student movement. Reports are often about students who are found outside of class without an active pass, hallway misbehaviors, or even for passes going Overtime.

Whatever these procedures and usage looks like for your campus, you’ll want to make sure the processes and expectations are clearly communicated and followed.

Video Walkthrough

Viewing Report Submissions

  • Select the Explore option in the right menu bar

  • Click on Report Submissions

You will then see all the students who have been reported by staff. From the top menu, you can search for a specific student, choose the status (Active or Closed), search for a staff member, and set the timeframe you want to see the data. The default timeframe is set to all times.

Working With Reports:

  • Click anywhere on the line for the specific report submission you want to work with

  • Detailed information will be available in the pop up window

  • All information is view-only except the Active/Closed designation

  • Set reports to Active or Closed once the situation has been addressed with the student

  • Use the print and PDF functions to save the individual report screen

Here’s an example of the workflow an administrator uses when reviewing report submissions for a specific day:

Reports like these are a great resource to pair with your other tools and systems on campus since they tie to specific students and their movement on campus. PDFs and printouts of report submissions are often helpful to share with parents as well.

💡Idea Help: Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for ideas on how you can use Reports to support your campus.


Can I delete Report Submissions?

No. However, you can change the status to Closed, so that anyone looking at these reports knows the report has already been reviewed.

You can filter the report to view only Active reports so that none of the closed reports show up in your view.

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