As a school administrator, it's crucial to tailor the configuration of each room to meet the unique requirements of your school/district. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you understand and set up the workflow for room management.
Video Walkthrough
Room Settings
Room Name
The Room's name is limited to 15 characters. Each room must have a distinct name. As of now we don’t have the ability to have two of the same names. Be sure to name these in a way that students will know what to look for. For example, classrooms are best named with the teacher's name.
Room Number
The Room number can be alphanumeric and has a maximum length of 5 characters. For rooms without a room number, such as a water fountain, just use an abbreviation such as WF1, WF2, etc.
Travel Type
Determine whether the room is available for round-trip passes, one-way passes, or both. Places such as restrooms and water fountains are "round trip", while you may find most room to room visits to be "both”. We automatically set this as round-trip.
Time Limit
Set the maximum time limit for student-initiated passes, ranging from 1 to 999 minutes. When setting this there are 2 things to keep in mind:
1) How long will it take students to get here, and possibly back.
2) Students should end passes if staying in a place for more than a couple of minutes.
Teachers in Room
Specify which teacher(s) should have visibility into the Pass activity for this room. For classrooms and offices, you will want to add the person who's room it is. There is no need to add people to restrooms, etc.
It is important to note you can still write passes from a room even if you are not added as a teacher, so best practice is to just add teachers/staff who manage the room full time. A teacher must be added to a room to launch a kiosk.
Closest Rooms
Here you can add what rooms you would like suggested to your students. This is usually were a school will pair a 2nd floor bathroom to a 2nd floor classroom. To explore configuring this at your school, click here.
Count toward Pass Limits
Should this room count towards pass limits? If so, check to ensure this enabled. For example, schools usually count restrooms, water fountains and lockers, but might choose to not count trips to classrooms or student services. This article will walk you through how to adjust this setting.
Show as Origin Room
Toggling this on means students can select this room to start a pass from. Most staffed locations qualify as origin rooms. Examples of rooms that would not be origin rooms are restrooms, water fountains and lockers. Learn more here.
Room Restrictions
Important Note: Restrictions apply only when the room is the destination, not the origin.
Restriction for Now
If you flip this toggle ON you are applying restrictions for "Now" passes, meaning teacher approval is required. This ensures passes won't become active until it has been approved. We usually suggest these for all classrooms, offices, etc. For Classrooms "any teacher" is a suggested setting. For admin, guidance, social workers, nurses, etc. we recommend "all teachers" "this room".
Restriction for Future
If you flip this toggle ON you are applying restrictions for "Future" passes, meaning teacher approval is required. This means scheduled passes won't be scheduled without teacher approval. We automatically toggle this on for classrooms, admin, social workers, etc. The preferred setting is "all teachers" "this room".
Learn more, and explore best practices here.
Restrict Ending Passes
This setting is usually only set if you are running into continual issues with students ending their own passes and not showing up to their destination rooms.
This pass setting means that passes must end using the following:
Room Code
Teachers Pin
From the Teacher dashboard on a Teachers device
Please be aware this does require staff to end the passes of the students, or continually display the room code. Learn more about how to configure this here.
Max Capacity
This is the maximum number of active passes to a specific room. For example, if you want to limit the number of active passes to a specific bathroom you would select max capacity and add the maximum number you feel is appropriate. When this number is reached passes will wait in line before they become active. Checkout our support article to dive into more detail.
This will hide or show the room for certain students by selecting one of the following options:
Show room for all students
Show room for certain students
Hide room for certain students
Visibility is a great tool for handling accommodations of certain students. Provide access to places such as gender neutral bathrooms, or hot/walking passes for students who need these, while hiding them from the rest of the student population. Learn more about visibility in the related article by clicking here.
Availability and Color/Icon
Lastly you’ll want to select the availability to be either open or closed, select a color and select an icon for your room. Use colors and icons to help organize rooms in your school.
Note: only admin can open and close a room.
I am struggling to get pass restrictions to work the way I need. What do I do?
Check out this article, or reach out to your CSM or Live Chat for help.
Do I need a max capacity in every room?
No, usually only for unrestricted rooms, bathrooms, water fountains, etc.