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Room Max Capacity

How to set-up active pass limits for rooms

Updated over a week ago

Use SmartPass to limit the amount of students that can go to a certain room or use a certain type of pass. This setting is commonly used on restrooms, water fountains, and lockers, but could be used in many other scenarios as well.

This setting is limited to Admin. To set this up begin at your admin page. Navigate to the rooms tab on your admin page and select the room, or room within a folder you wish to add a max capacity.

By scrolling nearly to the bottom of room settings you will see a setting titled "Max Capacity". Toggle this setting on and select the appropriate number of students you wish to allow on this pass/to this room.

If enabled, students who request a pass while the room is at max capacity will be placed in a line via Wait In Line feature. Once the max capacity is added you can hit Save.

Video Walkthrough


Do I need to set max capacities for all of my offices and classrooms?

Usually not. If you have any room restrictions in place that would require the destination room teacher to approve passes, then there is no need for a capacity. That staff member would only approve the number of passes they are comfortable with.

How many students should I consider for a max capacity in my Restrooms and Water Fountains?

This will depend on your building. We commonly see 4 students per restroom location, although if you have it broken down by boys and girls, this would likely be 2 and 2. For water fountains, a common usage is 1 student per fountain.

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