If you're looking for a way to simplify your school's tardy and early dismissal procedures, using "rooms" in SmartPass can help. You can think of rooms as pass types as well. Here are some examples of how to use SmartPass rooms in this context:
Late Arrival: When a student is tardy to school, instead of writing a pass from the office to the classroom, the secretary, or even the student, can write a pass from "Late Arrival" to the classroom. This way the teacher knows that the student is late to school, versus coming from the office after talking with a staff member.
Early Dismissal: When a student drops off a pass for an early dismissal, clerical staff can schedule a pass from the classroom to "Early Dismissal" to start at the desired time.
Teachers benefit from seeing more specific information than a simple "Office" labeled room. This helps the teacher account for their students, and hall monitor staff better understand the student's movement.
This process helps the secretaries, who can see when a student actually returns to class and ends their pass. They can also look back at the data later to help them submit attendance data.
Administrators can pull reports from the Passes Report to see trends, account for students, and see which students are often late or leaving early.
If set up with a kiosk, it can massively simply tardy passes by allowing students to generate their own pass, allowing office staff to focus on other tasks.
How to set up and use
By default we have given you an attendance folder with 2 rooms: Late Arrivals, and Early Dismissals. If you no longer have these rooms, you can add them with the add button in the top corner of the rooms dashboard.
We suggest doing the following when using Tardy and Early Dismissal Passes:
Assign the appropriate clerical staff as teachers in the rooms.
Setup a kiosk for your Late Arrivals room and allow your students to generate their own passes to class.
Teach students to show the teacher their late pass before ending it. Staff should check that they did not go overtime.
Teach admin and clerical staff how to pull reports on this data. Reports can be used to drive intervention, or help with recording attendance.
Use scheduled passes for Early Dismissals. When a student drops off a dismissal note your clerical staff can schedule a pass from the student's class to the Early Dismissal room to start at the desired time.