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Walking and Break Passes

Learn how to provide walking or cooldown passes for certain students at your school.

Updated over a month ago

You may have students at your school how have a break time written into their accommodations, allowing them to step out of class when they need a moment. There are many names for this, so you may call these a break pass, a cooldown pass, or a walking pass, but they all serve the same purpose, to allow the student to step out of class and take a moment to themselves.

This pass is particularly helpful for IEP students or students on behavior plans who need to take walks as part of their program. By using a walking pass, teachers and admin can ensure students are getting the support they need.



  • Allows students to take a break from class and get some fresh air, helping them come back to class feeling refreshed and re-energized.

  • Provides documentation that you are providing accommodations based on plans such as IEPs, 504 or behavior plans.

  • Reviewable data on how many times students are taking walks to help you ensure they are getting the support they need. This is great data to review at those annual plan review meetings.

  • Provide hall monitor staff with a better understanding of why a student is in the hallway.‍‍

How to set up and use

  1. Create a room and title it Walking Pass, or whatever terminology you wish to use here.

  2. Set the room settings such as room restrictions and time limit as needed. If allowing these students free access to generate as needed, leave restrictions for now toggled off.

  3. Adjust whether or not this pass counts towards pass limits. In most cases, actions that are part of an accommodation likely should not be counted.

  4. Adjust the room visibility to show only for those students who need this pass.

  5. Teach admin staff how to pull reports on this data. This report data will be particularly useful for the case manager to review periodically. Using this data during the plan review meeting will also help guide you potentially adjust the plan based on what you see.

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