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Missed Class Time

Get the 360-degree view of a student’s time out of class. In one unified view, you’ll see which classes a student has missed more often.

Updated over 6 months ago

SmartPass's Missed Class Time feature allows you to see which classes a student has missed based on their schedule and hall pass history.

Available only on Hall Pass Pro and SmartPass One.
Want to unlock this feature? Click the button to get pricing details for your school.

It is important to note, you will need to have set up your bell schedules and accepted your classes for this data to display properly. If you still need to do this, get started here.

Accessing Missed Class Time

To access Missed Class Time, you must access the Student Snapshot page first. To do this use the search bar in the top right and look up a student. Learn more here.

Once you have accessed the Snapshot page you will see the student's Missed Class Time on the right side. Be sure to adjust the date range at the top to reflect a range that works for your needs.

How to Use Missed Class Time Data

This data can be used to help drive meaningful decisions at your school. Consider the following:

  • Pulling this data up for parent conferences and intervention meetings

  • Using the information to dictate pass limits

  • Leading conversations with teachers based on how much time a student is missing from class

  • Comparing missed class time to student grades in those class periods

  • Using this data to dig deeper. Dive into pass data to determine if a student is meeting up with others during certain periods with higher missed class time.


Why can I not see this data?

It is possible you have not set up your bell schedules yet, or you do not have Hall Pass Pro. Please reach out and we can assist you.

Am I able to sort this data by certain time periods?

Yes, at the top of the page you can select certain date ranges to meet your needs.

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